Why milestones help us

Florida Black Widow spider
Some prescriptions help prevent death – like diet and exercise


Why do milestones help us?

Why be intentional enough to pick a special day versus any day?

Because what we are embarking on is something that will be with us for the rest on our lives.


The other thing begun in April was running.

But that goes back to 2000.

April 15, tax day, to be exact.

And in 2000 there was not as powerful a connection to storytelling as there was in 2009.

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What if we went over by three seconds?

Snow White at Epcot
We are being watched all the time, even when running (quickly)


What if we went over by three seconds?

If we tried to do something in six minutes or less and didn’t, would we be disappointed?

So yeah, let’s take a 6:03 mile as not meeting the goal but close enough.


Because coming back from injury, off-season, or any other reason, is a process that can not be rushed.

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Dear Son, if one can happen so can the other – bank on this

United Kingdom at Epcot sidewalk chalk art
We can make anything more beautiful with just a few special touches


Dear Son,

Until Winter’s International trips to sub-freezing temperatures, a sub six-minute mile was easy. Like a walk in the park. At will. On demand.

Today’s run will attempt to do it for the first time in several tries.

Setbacks happen.

Son, so do comebacks.

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Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

Scene from God's Not Dead
There will always be a million reasons to quit or back down


Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

How scary is it that it may quickly fade…. “like it always does”?

Biking everyday and walking…

As natural as anything can be for a human body.



It either becomes a part of life or it doesn’t.

We know this.

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