Please forgive the observation

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker jeff noel blood pressure reading


(photo taken yesterday at Walmart, running in for a pair of cheap sunglasses and eye drops: At any given moment we should be able to ace the basics, especially if we preach it)

Please forgive the observation.

The speaker in the previous Mid Life Celebration post, the guy talking about our attitude and how our thoughts became things… ya with me?

Here’s the thing with speakers proclaiming there’s a better way to do something.

Speakers are should be held to a higher standard.

If he wasn’t up on a stage making it sound so simple to change, it wouldn’t be so ridiculously easy to question his physical vibrancy.

What stops any of us from being vibrantly balanced?

Our thoughts?

Life is cruel eh?

Especially for the preachers of the world.

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This ain’t a secret

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker jeff noel with Mickey Mouse


(photo: Be amazed and be amazing… as a student, as a teacher)

One of the ways adults can continuously nourish their excitement for living is through regular exercise, balanced eating, and adequate rest.

This ain’t a secret.

Sure seems like it though.

Don’t believe it? Ask around.

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