Back off dude

Disney Executive Keynote Speaker
yesterday’s slow run included a water break at Disney University.


Disney Executive Keynote Speaker
Yesterday, at the intersection of the past and the present.


Disney Executive Keynote Speaker
Media crew for Disney’s 24 hours of Park Magic, yesterday.


Florida Gopher Tortoise
Being slow is not bad. This was near the end of a 10-miler yesterday.


Back off dude.

Still feeling the effects of the half-marathon track workout from two days prior. This was a signal to take my foot off the accelerator, and to go slow and long. But not too long.

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Your art may never overcome it’s fear

Montessori classroom near Walt Disney World
Montessori middle school classroom near Walt Disney World, and Posha the Cat.


Your art may never overcome it’s fear.

Needed a destination for a bike ride because riding in a circle wasn’t motivating. Aha. Ride to the coolest middle school classroom you know of to be there during lunch – the student’s free time. Then ride home.

It was a nice way to “cross-train” on a spectacular January day near Walt Disney World.

It was also a nice opportunity to remind the teacher what a remarkable artist she is, and how her art inspires not only the students, but also all who come in contact.

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What is very exciting for one, is boring for another

Yes, that is the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the background.

bicycling in paris
and if you can incorporate exercise into your everyday lifestyle..brilliant

What is very exciting for one, is boring for another. Running may bore some of you. It doesn’t matter. At this point in my life, it is a fire I must keep stoked.

What you do may bore me. It doesn’t matter. You must also find a million ways to keep your fire stoked.

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He’ll Never Be A Runner

Sure, I like to swim…

As long as it’s in a hot tub…

Do you consider exercise a chore, a pain in the butt, and therefore a waste of your precious time? Get over it! You have to figure this out for yourself.

A new friend, same age (51), is in great physical condition. Asked him if he’s a runner. He looked and responded like I was nuts.

He’s a swimmer. He’ll never be a runner. He hates running.

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