This is a moving target and we know it

Jack the bear in Saskatoon airport
Without running, all this traveler sees is the airport and the hotel


One of the biggest contributors to our ability to handle the things that cause us stress, like tragedy, is our focus on our physical health.

This is a moving target and we know it.

Even though it’s difficult to accomplish it is not a reason to give up and accept less.

Knowing the weather in Saskatoon would be well below freezing the entire stay, the strategy switched from exercise to sleep.

Happy to report three consecutive nights with nearly eight hours sleep.

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Suck it up and figure it out

wet vac
Suck it up


Suck it up and figure it out.

No run yesterday. Late visit to gym – a Saturday evening no less.

Family put on hold.

No run this morning either.

Two days of tying up loose ends before leaving for eight days.

Las Vegas via Atlanta.

Tuesday to Philly. Wednesday to NYC.

Sunday (day eight) back home again.

Suck it up. Figure it out.

We’ll see.

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What I was asking at Mid Life Celebration is simply what’s crossing my mind now

Teddy Bear at Delta Gate sign
Real life in real time – keep the positive energy flowing


What I was asking at Mid Life Celebration is simply what’s crossing my mind now. In Atlanta waiting for a smaller jet to Iowa.

No time to write five blogs before heading to Orlando airport a few hours ago.

But did have time to run a sub-six minute mile (5:53).

And mow the lawn, do weed control, pool stuff (including a dip), and walk Cooper.

Point is, today is a gift.

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Door to door, 19 hours, assuming no glitches

sun from high altitude jet
19-hour travel day will set a PR


Door to door, 19 hours, assuming no glitches. Three flights on United, an airline I have no status with.

The reason we utilize loyalty programs is for the love we receive from the business. Sorry Delta, out of my control.

Leaving for airport at 6am.

Estimating entering my hotel room for sleep 19 hours later.

Is that a decent excuse for not running today?

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Eleven days and counting…

An hour walk before client meeting. The Brooklyn Bridge was a great cross-training opportunity…

walking Brooklyn Bridge

Eleven days and counting… walked a fair amount yesterday. We do what we can, right? Heading out shortly to run and catch the sunrise from the Brooklyn Bridge.

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