USATF 2022

Sitting in the Advent Health waiting room.

Praying the mammogram is negative.

Praying that Russia and Ukraine find a diplomatic solution.

In the past 18 hours, Putin has officially declared two Russian-occupied Ukraine regions as some sort of reason for Russian troops to enter. i think.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


USATF membership stickers
Never use these stickers, but enjoy a quiet satisfaction knowing that being a lifelong member is one of a million ways i use to stay motivated to move well, eat well, and rest well.

Nervous about tomorrow’s mammogram and ultrasound test results?

Of course.

But i surrender to what i have no control over.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

First time ever

hand-written notes on a post it note
First appointment at closest Hospital is 2.5 weeks from now. Raquel found an appointment further away but it’s in four days.

Mammogram and ultrasound in a few days.

Waited four weeks for swelling to disappear. Hasn’t happened.

No known injury. No pain.

But somethin’ ain’t right.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Lane 8 Patience Is Genius

“Genius is nothing but a greater aptitude for patience”.Gerorges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

Isn’t it amazing how impatient we can be? It certainly is to me.  Whenever I start to think patience has been mastered, another unexpected test comes along.  One that tests my patience in new ways.

And these tests come out of nowhere.  And many times, from extremely innocent surroundings,  when we least expect it.

“You can not teach patience with impatience”. jeff noel

You will never succeed at overcoming your wellness challenges if you are impatient.  This is one of the fundamental laws of self improvement.  One of the hardest lessons I’ve ever had to learn.