Here’s the harsh reality

Walt Disney World Convention Center


(photo: Yesterday… High ceilings and long hallways are standard at Disney World Convention Centers.)

Here’s the harsh reality. Finding time to do everything is challenging. Some would even say it’s impossible.

Others say it is possible.

If you are not fully committed to one thought process over the other, please decide (sooner rather than later), and choose very, very carefully.

It will direct your wellness until the day you die.

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We get to pick from two pains in life

Logan Pass sign at GNP


(photo: It’s easier to walk around Glacier National Park with a relatively healthy and active body)

So it comes down to this doesn’t it?

We either live with the pain of carrying around an unhealthy temple.

Or we live with the pain it takes to maintain a healthy temple.

Either way there’s pain (including significant emotional pain), discomfort, sacrifice, effort.

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Dare not dare physically

Casting Crowns and Mikes Chair CDs
True that… All or Nothing


Dare not dare physically.

Wishing you the freedom and courage to choose yourself. The reprioritized you.

The you who has said, “My health is all or nothing”.

And you are saying it because you have finally (for real) realized your health is going to be amazing, and you are starting today.

All or nothing.

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