April 4, 2009

(An archived post from exactly 2 years ago today):

It hit me a few years ago.

The answer.

And I was reminded of it yesterday, when I casually shared it with a friend who wants to lose 50 pounds.

Your carrot has to be huge. It has to be one you’ll chase for the rest of your life.

Until I die?


My big carrot?

It ain’t the world championships.

What then?

Being a role model for my son. Honoring our creator who gave us the gift of our body. Seeing our son graduate from high school. Etc.

The world championships? A smaller, several year carrot.

Make today a day you stop by the produce section and get yourself some vegetables. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Nothing Simpler, Nothing Harder

Okay, so we’re nine days into the new year. Whether you make resolutions or not, how is your energy for exercise progressing?

If your goal is to take the stairs, or to be able to do one push-up, how’s that going?

If your goal is to park in the last row and walk in everyday, how’s that going?

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Funny Things Those Resolutions

Gyms Will Be Packed the 1st Three Weeks In January
Gyms Will Be Packed the 1st Three Weeks In January

Is life really difficult, or is it just me?

We work so hard sometimes, and what do we get?


No thank you. No atta girl, or atta boy. No, “Hey, we really appreciate what you do around here”.


As you make your New Year’s Resolution for better health, be mindful of this.

And find a radical way to overcome it.

Nothing you’ve done in the past has worked.

Go for it. Be crazy creative. You deserve it. Thank you for getting prepared.

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Health Blogs Health Goals

Eat Fresh
Eat Fresh

Setting goals is good (and easy), and we all know how to do this. We learned it as a child and it’s called imagination.

Reaching goals is good (and much harder), and we all have had some success with this. We like doing it because of the satisfaction called “sense of accomplishment”.

Now here’s the tricky part.

Maintaining that level of achievement.

That’s what my blogs are about. Dreaming big. Getting there. Staying there.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

Don’t forget to factor in the “staying there” part into your big health goals.