Life is hard son

Boy on bicycle in Central Florida neighborhood
So many easy options and distractions at our disposal


Life is hard son.

You’ve heard it in your house dozens of times:

Find a million ways to stay motivated.

Life gets even harder when we are not vibrantly healthy.

It’s that simple.

Create a mantra(s) that works for you.

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There are two lists we get to read from everyday: blessings and excuses

Marriott Harbourfront, Halifax, Nova Scotia
His room window view… In four days, never left the Marriott


He wondered how much he would weigh if he didn’t exercise at all and ate the way some of his friends ate.

He also wondered if he didn’t focus on rest like some of his friends, how much that would add to his weight.

And of course, there was the vision of how carrying around an extra 30, 40, 50, 60, 70+ pounds would affect his every move, his every thought.

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