The one thing missing from yesterday’s Olympic list?

This photo was taken as the sun set into the Gulf of Mexico…


The one thing missing from yesterday’s Olympic list? Dreaming. Dreaming plants the seed, and helps us visualize the future…

But only crawling out of bed early, and putting in the blood, sweat, and tears will get you to a place where you can even remotely believe your resume is good enough.

Seven days…

Next Blog

Completely, Utterly Coincidental

Picking the obvious one should be easy.

A story huh? Well, my five blogs get written after I wake up but before heading out for a run and work. So there’s not much time – it’s completely, utterly, in the moment, with few exceptions.

After taking a quick glance at what I wrote yesterday, I wondered what the story was three years ago today. Talk about coincidence – it’s a decent story if I do say so myself.

Next Blog

What’s Wrong With Our Motivation?

Mountain Or Molehill Of Motivation?
Mountain Or Molehill Of Motivation?

What’s wrong with our motivation?

Maybe there’s nothing wrong with it.

Why are we so challenged to stay motivated?

Maybe we aren’t.

What do the greatest athletes, artists, leaders, do that separates their motivation from the rest of us?

Maybe they don’t do anything differently, except one thing.

They will do tomorrow, the same thing they did today, only better.

What’s stopping us from doing that?

Did Ja?

After reading yesterday’s Lane 8 blog post, did you think long and hard about your health?

Let me guess, “No.”

What motivates you at work?  At home?

What demotivates you at work? At home?

You can use your answers to figure it out.  And that’s the bottom line isn’t it?

Figure it out!

No one is going to hold your hand.  You are an adult, fully and completely responsible for your health.


Late yesterday, I was on the phone with a great friend. We spoke for nearly 30 minutes about really significant, life “stuff”.  He’s a great listener, and he allows me to verbalize dreams, goals.

I dream of you being healthier than you are now. And doing whatever it takes to be your catalyst for positive change.

Almost 51, I practice what I preach.  Take a look. This was two days ago. How many 51 year olds can do this?

Exercise Fitness Wellness

Exercise.  Fitness.  Wellness.  Flexibility.  Strength.  Cardiovascular.

Blood pressure. Resting heart rate. Good cholesterol.  Bad cholesterol. Body Mass Index.  Triglycerides.

Those words should mean something.  So should these.

Determination.  Perseverance. Tenacity. Hope. Dreams. Persistence. Motivation.  Inspiration.  Courage.

Focus.  Discipline.  Results.  Good habits.  Bad habits.  Dreams. Goals. Success.

If not today, when?  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem.