Dave’s House helps Central Florida’s mentally ill homeless adults.
Third year with a business message. Lee Cockerell, Dennis Snow, and now Simon.
Most Disney leaders have an early career photo with the Boss.
Exceptionally polished speaker.
Didn’t catch if these are prioritized. The first one is most important because it drives everything else.
What do you do when you write 2,922 days in a row?
Skipped the 40k roundtrip bike ride in exchange for seeing Simon Bailey speak locally yesterday morning. My body was whispering, “Give your legs a break.”
Planned for it and had gym gear in the trunk.
Nice workout at Gold’s on the way home from the event.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
Today, December 15, 2016, waiting to visit One Man’s Dream. Suitcase and box are similar.
Exercise is great stimulation for creativity.
Walt Disney played Polo, but no one ever described Walt as fit.
But his ability to inspire creativity in others was (and still is) remarkable.
At Disney, we think “Inside-The-Box”, not outside.
The thing about thinking outside the box is that most people, when they get outside of the box, they don’t know what they’re looking at because they have never built their box.
Dear son, use what i’ve taught you to build your box, and, think inside of it, not outside.
And every so often you’ll want to expand your box – to make it bigger – and having a well-defined box will facilitate this.
The four sides of your box are: vision, mission, brand, customer.
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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.