Cut through Disney to get to gym

Rode to Epcot yesterday, on the way to the gym.

Cut through Disney to get to gym.

On a bicycle.

Somewhere around 20 miles or so.

It was a lovely New Year’s Day morning treat.

Hope today and the rest of the week (month, year, decade, life) is filled with treats that you appreciate and enjoy.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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Without exercise

First three days here, still no sun.

Without exercise we can still be 100% engaged with wellness.

There are still other areas of focus.

No exercise, no problem.

Focus on sleep. Bedtime. Total hours.

Focus on nutrition. Balanced. Fresh. Portion control. Snacking.

Focus on motivation. You know, the stuff that gives you the power to make the best decisions even when, especially when, you would rather cave to less desirable choices.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Take the Disney downtown train

On the walk from where i parked the bicycle, heading to the stairwell for some vertical exercise (and a view).

Biked to Disney’s Contemporary Resort to do a few flights of stairs.

Just a little something to break up the morning routine.

Needed to get away from my desk too, so i could change what i see.

When you change what you see, what you see changes.

Life’s five big choices all support each other.

It’s a beautiful, and powerful, synergy.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Flex your muscles

Found myself on the rooftop last night. The perfect Florida December weather beckoned a 30-minute sunset reflection opportunity.

Flex your creativity muscles as needed.

Yesterday morning’s scheduled workout didn’t happen.

On paper, i theorized that after lunch would be a great alternative. However, the early December day with blue skies and 77 degrees suggested i skip the Friday workout altogether.

So in flexing those creativity muscles, a Saturday morning workout is a simple solution.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

No shortage, ever

Hiking 11 miles roundtrip on Grinnell Glacier trail is a spiritual experience. Transferring this commitment to daily living is a remarkable opportunity.

No shortage, ever.


No shortage of reasons why today is a good day to have a logical reason to skip exercise and compromise on eating well.

Today there is also no shortage of reasons why you will stay motivated to do what is best for your wellness.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.