Happy Thanksgiving, let’s gorge ourselves to keep the American tradition alive

Stopwatch screen shot from iPhone


(photo:  Walked 30 minutes instead of running… felt the body needed something, including a day off from running)

Happy Thanksgiving, let’s gorge ourselves to keep the American tradition alive.

What if we changed the way we thought about Thanksgiving?

We only added to our plate once – decent, appropriate portions for our body size and type?

Or, we could, like we generally do as an American culture, eat until we feel uncomfortable.

And then watch football and hope the feeling subsides…

So we can have more pumpkin pie, this time with ice cream.

Change one to change everything?

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Mindful of nuance and subtlety in our day to day?

Fort Collins altitude stats


(photo: Be mindful of new surroundings, including altitude)

Even with a reliable routine, we must still be mindful of nuance and subtlety in our day to day.

A few minutes into the jog on a cool, crisp August morning, a realization…

What altitude is this?

After verifying the run was in much thinner air than the normal 100 feet above sea level at home, the slow, easy pace, became even slower.


Love it.

Makes ya smile.

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