Two thoughts about an experiment to do nothing in preparation for the race

Wall Street Journal Health and Wellness page
Bottom left (red), what if our workout is ‘no workout’?


Two thoughts about an experiment to do nothing in preparation for Saturday’s race:

  1. Is there genius in doing nothing to get better results?
  2. Should epic failure occur, how will it be dealt with?

Going into the 5k with four solid rest days. Doing nothing might make me stronger.

Anyone experimented with less is more?

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Better than or about what you expected?

Watermelon 5k resultsBetter than or about what you expected? The annual Track Shack Watermelon 5k run had 4,000 runners and walkers. It’s become a tradition to start July 4th by running this hot and humid race. It went better than expected.

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PS. Traditions, fun, and goals are three great ways to stay motivated.

Taking cross training to a completely unexpected level

Taking cross training to a completely unexpected level. The annual Track Shack Watermelon 5k is tomorrow. The past week running days have been nearly nonexistent. In it’s place, a back-breaking distraction…

Florida landscaping
my early resume consisted of outdoor jobs, like those needing a rake, shovel, wheel barrel
laying bricks
the bricks don’t move themselves

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My very first 5k is now an annual tradition

5k motivation
finding a million ways isn't theory, it's do or die
feeling even better than last year's 2011 run

Maybe a decade ago I needed to find a great reason to not quit running. Had been running on my own for several years but was really struggling to get out of bed to do it. Enter a 5k? Maybe that would be interesting since I’d never done it before. So that’s what I did.

And now the 2012 Windermere “Run Among the Lakes” 11th annual 5k is almost here again…can’t wait.

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Things I Don’t Do Anymore

Do you exercise, or want to exercise, and do you follow the story here at Lane 8? Then you probably know that I’m (currently) a runner, a Father, Husband, Transformational speaker, recovering alcoholic, person with a disability, and the descendant of a Family history of Heart Disease and Dementia.

Do you think your health goals are impossible? Do you think your work life and home life schedules need to change before you can commit? Indeed, there are things you’ll need to stop doing before you can start doing.

What started so humbly and innocently 11 years ago has grown into a nice burning fire of desire. But without continuous fuel, what happens to your fire? So eventually, I found fuel through competition. First in local 5k races and then Master’s Track. But then…

Injury after injury. Year after year.

Yet, by taking continuous action, continuous improvement, I’m currently no longer:

  • Icing each foot twice a day
  • Using Voltaren Gel four times a day
  • Stretching 20 minutes each night

This may seem inconsequential to you. It may not.

You must find your own way. And find a million ways to keep going your own way. Making progress is a great motivator. (Duh!)

There’s one more thing I don’t do anymore. Give up.

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