Why small victories can be considered gold medal worthy

Knoxville, TN airport employee entrance
Great Smokey mountains
Great Smokey mountains
airport Hilton
airport Hilton from afar

At 6:05pm last evening, hungry and exhausted from teaching all day, I mustered the energy and fortitude to walk out the airport Hilton and begin a run with limited highway access. If I would have skipped last night, it would have been three days without a run, making a fourth day (today) without a run more likely.

I couldn’t allow that to happen.

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Is your easiest excuse for not exercising better than mine?

Sun sinking low in Maryville, TN, near Knoxville

The easiest excuse I know of for not exercising is “I travel for a living. Travel is too hectic and time consuming to fit in exercise“. Beat that?!

Delta Airlines. Orlando to Atlanta. Atlanta to Knoxville. After the sound check in Maryville (TN), the sun nearly down…..dinner or a run? When you’re tired, hungry and anxious to get a good night’s rest, dinner is the obvious choice. And so it goes.

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Everyone thinks I exercise to stay healthy

Balance mental activity with physical activity
Balance mental activity with physical activity
How you stay active is up to you
How you stay active is up to you

When I think about the answer to the question most people never ask me, it goes something like this…

To teach is to learn twice. And to teach children is perhaps the greatest privilege (and responsibility) an adult will ever know.

This is why I exercise, eat decently, and strive for adequate rest.

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The Top Reason Why Most People Quit Exercising

Experimenting with bread mold conditions is no different than experimenting with boredom conditions.

The main reason we quit exercising is simple and obvious. Boredom.

The antidote? Find a million ways not to. Yesterday morning’s run had a predictable route, but I didn’t feel like going the whole way and turning around. So I was going to take a shorter route to get the job done quicker – minimize the boredom…

…but decided to explore a route I’d never taken. Had the longest run in five years, and wasn’t bored for a moment.

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Mid Life Celebration’s Five Different Blogs On Life’s Big Choices Each Contain Nearly 1,000 Posts

"Squirrel", trivial reference from Disney Pixar "UP"

Boomers, Mid Life Celebration’s five differently-themed blogs contain nearly 1,000 posts each. This is a bit hard to comprehend. No worries though. Boomers aren’t used to having a free Internet resource that looks at work life balance is such a compellingly different, and profoundly simple light.

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