Yeah, but…

Yeah, but… So what if you miss workouts. Is that a good enough reason to quit?

Masters Championships

Getting motivated is much easier than staying motivated. Thirteen years and still challenging the aging process. Run, dude. Run!

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I wish you could understand the power in this little known health secret

don't let growing older become an excuse

The key to staying motivated is to put your most cherished loved ones ahead of yourself. The paradox is that this seems backwards, even hypocritical. It may look and feel self-indulgent to exercise and rest. But is it? Being a healthy role model for your children and grandchildren, or nieces and nephews – how is that selfish?

It’s probably the most important example you can strive to accomplish.

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No, I didn’t run today…

clock..upper right...6:50am...Maryville, TN

Since there was time and energy (barely) to run two nights ago, I thought I’d run again last night. But since I arrived at the venue before 7am, and was on my feet teaching all day, an early dinner, and an early bedtime trumped everything else. And so it goes…

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