So amazing, you inspire yourself?

Holiday Inn Flint


(photo: Wondering who wrote the note on the key packet. Was it a generic message? Was it written specifically by her and specifically for the person she handed it to?)

Who’s to blame for inspiration?

The thing about pursuing vibrant health and wellness is that the light that shines from the effort is impossible to cover up.

It is never done to shine a light, but the light shines brightly nonetheless.

Be amazing today.

So amazing, you inspire yourself.

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Self motivation is art… be an artist

Orlando Based wellness speakers


Looking forward to this morning’s run around campus.

What are you looking forward to this morning?

PS. There are plenty of other things an Orlando based leadership speaker could be doing with the time it will take to complete the run. Gonna run anyway.

Maybe exercise helps a speaker deliver a better speech.

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Just. Couldn’t. Do. It.

Morning rain on West Gulf Drive on Sanibel Island


Couldn’t muster the motivation to run yesterday.

Needed to.

Wanted to.

Crystal clear on the benefits.

Clear on the consequences of not exercising.

Just. Couldn’t. Do. It.

This too shall pass.

Next Blog

Especially when we don’t feel like it

screen shot of run times


(photo: screen shot of the alternating walk and run times… Lap 1 was a 17-minute walk)

Life has a funny way of delivering on common sense if we allow it. Especially when we don’t feel like allowing it. Mostly because we think today is going to be the exception.

Felt the need to run but really didn’t feel like running. So it began as a walk.

After a mile or so, decided to run – it was only for three minutes. Just wasn’t feeling it.

Turned off the coastal road and hit the beach and had a strong headwind.


Nearly 20 minutes of running later, a break with a nine-minute walk. Followed by eight more minutes of jogging.

An hour after ‘not feeling like running’, felt refreshed and alive.

Conscious cleared.

Next Blog

Balance. Energy. Priorities. Our purpose.

Jungle Cruise que line chess prop
Living like we mean it does require us to have a strategy for balance and for clear priorities.


Should be heading out the (hotel room) door in five minutes if there’s going to be a run this morning.

To be honest, there are still many things that can be done before that.

Still have 90 minutes before needing to make a three minute walk to ‘the office’.

Everyday our life is about making choices.

Balance. Energy. Priorities. Our purpose.

Will be back tonight to write the three remaining posts.

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