Lane 8’s 1st You Tube

One of the hottest Summers ever. How’s yours going? Are you getting the results you envisioned?

Sunday’s in August are reserved for some of my short (usually under 60 seconds) You Tube videos.

Here’s the very first “Health & Wellness” themed You Tube video, from Gold’s Gym. May 2009, entitled “Results for Everybody”.

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or run on over to the Spirit blog)

Life’s 2009 Top 10 List

If Your Goal Isn't Impossible....
If Your Goal Isn't Impossible....

From last year’s Lane 8 archives. There are four times as many daily readers today than last year. You probably missed this one.

Are you still holding on to last year’s dream, or have you quit?

Lane 8 is a fun story to write.  Fun because it’s for our son.  He’ll be nine in a few days. There are only a few who actually know this. Now more will.

If you were to spend an hour reading back through this blog, you’d start to see how impossible it was for me to be here in Finland.

The temptation to postpone, rationalize, or even to quit, is beyond my normal threshold for these types of life’s challenges.

Yet, I write this from Lahti, Finland – home to the 2009 Master’s Track & Field World Championships.

Reading back through the posts, and looking at where I was ten years ago, I hope our son will realize a few things about life:

  1. This is not a story about athletic achievement, it’s about setting “life’s bar” high
  2. This is not my story, it’s our story
  3. Nothing is impossible
  4. There are no short cuts in life
  5. Life is painfully hard
  6. Life is gloriously wonderful
  7. Live your life with purpose, and on purpose
  8. Do not worry what others think
  9. Have fun along the way
  10. Love others and be loved by others

Thanks for following Lane 8.  I totally understand virtually all of you will never have time to read from here to the beginning, or from the beginning to here.

But if you ever want to read a “book” to be inspired, this may be a diamond in the rough.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Your Expectations Aren’t High Enough

Don't Stop
Don't Stop

You heard me correctly, it’s not a typo.  Your expectations are not high enough.

There are people who publicly and privately think I should back off, or slow down.

And sometimes it’s easy to start to think, “Maybe they’re right”. But it never lasts long.

A song, a movie, a thought, a blessing, a tragedy – all these things snap me out of doubt, fear and uncertainty.

Last night, it was a movie, Invictus, an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela and the South African Rugby team.

Start walking, get moving.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in a small (hell) prison cell.

And you’re telling me you can’t walk 4 or 5 days every week?

(next blog)

1 Thing That Is A Must

Senior Olympics 2009 In Finland
Senior Olympics 2009 In Finland

Quite simply, the one thing that is a must is this:

The extra effort.

“In the end, it’s extra effort that separates a winner from second place. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then desire, determination, discipline, & self-sacrifice. Finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness & respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?” —  Jesse Owens

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