These seven universally apply to any type of exercise

World class wellness tips on napkin
A simple, profound list.


These seven universally apply to any type of exercise:

  1. Anaerobic/Endurance
  2. Aerobic/Strength
  3. Core
  4. Flexibility
  5. Diet
  6. Rest
  7. Motivation/Goals

Improve one, they all improve. Neglect one, they all suffer.

Then compound the effects either way when two, three or four are improved or suffer.

Ignoring this does not negate it’s truth.

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Was High School Gym class the last time we exercised?

Biking near Walt Disney World
A rather boring photo from a 20-minute bike ride near Disney yesterday.


Everything a writer writes filters through three questions:

  1. Is this too much?
  2. Is this safe perfect?
  3. Is this too little?

So when was the last time you exercised?

Heck, the people who need to read this aren’t reading these posts anymore.

For the rest of us, these posts help prevent us from becoming them.

Hint: If you click the bolded, hyperlinked word “Blog” below, you’ll quickly go to today’s next post about our human spirit…

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Third time’s a charm?

Disney, Conference, Speakers


(photo: Christmas concert.)

Progress is simple. One foot in front of the other. Day after day.

Would be lying if the thought of another Track comeback in 2015 wasn’t a decently burning goal right now, December 17, 2014.

Will being retired and self-employed make it easier to train?

Just for the record, the past two year’s comeback attempts have been defeated due to injuries and competing priorities.

Maybe at the end of the day, the real blessing isn’t competition and results, but simply the drive to keep going year after year.

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Life is hard

Disney Convention Center breakout session classroom


(photo: Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Convention Center breakout room… a professional speaker is the first one in the room and the last to leave… long days)

Didn’t exercise yesterday. Life is hard.

And glorious.

Make the most of the hand you’re dealt.

Pretty simple, right?

But simple doesn’t mean easy.

Be an example, not a warning.

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