When Was The Last Time You Felt Really Healthy?

The Florida State tree - cabbage palm. They look very healthy.

The day I quit working out will be the healthiest I’ll ever be for the rest of my life. There is no physical way to get or stay stronger, nor to have better (or maintained) cardiovascular abilities, without exercise. Read my lips. None.

My feet are feeling the best they have in a decade. This potentially means something fun and exciting. Hope I don’t blow it. When was the last time you felt healthier than you have in years?

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Hey, Did I Mention All These Things Were Part Of It Too?

The podiatrist asked me to do a few other things to alleviate the foot pain:

  • Ice morning & night
  • Rest often (good luck)
  • Celebrex, 200mg daily
  • Stretch 20 minutes daily
  • Custom foot orthotics, daily
  • Voltaren gel 4x day, both feet
  • Wear nighttime foot splints (both feet) while sleeping, daily

Some for a decade, some for just a few years.

What keeps you going to do the hard work to make your life healthier and easier? Seriously, your answer rolls off your tongue, right?

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Well The Florida State Masters Track Meet Was This Past Weekend

Food for thought…

This past weekend, jeff noel did not defend the Florida State Masters 400 meter title he won previously in consecutive years. Didn’t even enter.

Still recovering from severe foot injuries. But still running. And am feeling blessed beyond measure for the privilege.

Do you ever consider yourself a jackpot winner simply because you can walk, or run?

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Love Your Feet?

An average day of walking puts a force equal to several hundred tons of pressure on our feet, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association.

That’s a lot to ask of the 26 small bones and hundred-plus tiny muscles and tendons in each foot.

That’s why your feet are more subject to injury than any other part of your body.

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Where art thou, James Brown?

I FEEL GOOD! I knew that I would. So good. So fine. I got you. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

Can you hear that classic James Brown song? Can you feel the passion and soul in his voice? Can you picture and hear that famous “Whaaaaaaaaaaaa” he does? I can.

Yesterday, I felt great. Now keep in mind I didn’t run for two days. That what insiders call rest. But overall, my left foot felt great.

Today. The test. The comeback. History. The Windermere Run Among the Lakes 5k. It was my very first 5k years ago, and I intentionally chose it to mark my official comeback.

When is your comeback? Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂