Of course there’s the worry that an injury could happen anytime

injury recovery
to get injured again would be embarrassing and not fun

Of course there’s the worry that an injury could happen anytime. Aging, some things get easier, some more challenging. What lifts us up, or buries us, is how we approach the inevitable.

I’m making a game out of ramping up for the 2012 Masters Track and Field National Championships. Can I go back and perform well… with less, but more focused, training? Can I use rest and recovery in a completely innovative way for better results?

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Can You Get Better By Doing Less?

Some are very shy about their feet.

To a runner, having healthy feet is a blessing, especially if the runner hasn’t had great-feeling feet in years and years. The down side is that feeling great is a huge temptation to overdo it. So yesterday, I took the day off.

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