One Profound Secret

Each Day Is A Test Of Our Will
Each Day Is A Test Of Our Will

Do you struggle to stay focused?

Assuming you do, like me, then how does this lack of focus affect you?

Want to know a profound secret?

Create a ridiculously simple mantra that crystalizes your goal, your desire, your reward.

Here are two of mine. The first for overcoming addiction. The second for remaining motivated to exercise.

1. Every day or not at all. There is no middle ground. None. Period. End of story.

2. Stay healthy, have fun.  Being injured makes staying healthy and having fun nearly impossible.

December 31 Was Very Surreal

This Should Get Us Through Until Wednesday
This Should Get Us Through Until Wednesday

Yeah, roughly 3,103 days of, “One day at a time”.

Three thousand days and nights.

Plus one hundred three more.

You know, more or less.

Somebody want to do the math? I picked the biggest drinking night in the entire world to quit (for the third time) – December 31, 2001.

This means December 30 was the final night.

I guess it had been nearly three decades.

December 31, 2001 was very surreal….

Prefontaine Wasn’t A Ruuner?

Hayward Field, University of Oregon
Hayward Field, University of Oregon

Steve Prefontaine, was America’s distance running prodigy in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, until his tragic and untimely death in 1974.

Pre held every American running record from 2,000 meters to 10,000 meters.

Pre ignited the “jogging craze” of the 1970’s.

Pre challenged authority.

He challenged his coach, Bill Bowerman (who was starting a little shoe company later called Nike).

Steve Prefontaine wasn’t a runner, he was a rebel.

A rebel who just so happened to also be a runner.

Do you have guts, courage?

Where does your strength come from? Here’s a decent source of mine.

Pre's Passion Is Legendary
Pre's Passion Is Legendary

Track Is Popular Again

Field Events Are Way Under-Rated
Field Events Are Way Under-Rated

Track and Field.  Not on most people’s list of sports to follow, except every four years during the Summer Olympics.

Well, after a decade of doping scandals, Track & Field’s popularity is on the rise. This Washington Post article explains why.

And as I leave Indiana University this morning, the NCAA Big Ten Track & Field Conference Championships begin.

Motivation is like a fire. Find a million ways to keep adding fuel to your fire, otherwise we all know what will happen to your fire.