Do something completely different

Windermere Prep High School
Windermere Prep High School poster yesterday.


Windermere Prep High School
Choose to be extraordinary. Words and phrases shape our thinking. Our thinking shapes our habits.


Windermere Prep High School
Looking right from my bench.


Windermere Prep High School
Looking straight from the bench.


Windermere Prep High School
Zooming in.


Windermere Prep High School
Looking left.


Windermere Prep High School
Zooming in.


New Balance Running shoes
Randomly, the intricate detail caught my eye though the camera’s zoom lense.


One of my seven wellness architectural blueprints is rest.

Primarily focused on sleep, it also relates to recovering from physical activity.

While sleep is perfect for recovery, so are scenic diversions from our daily routine.

Yesterday afternoon i made an intentional choice to get to the high school 30 minutes early (to pick up our Son) and sit on the bench by the office.

Three years ago, i used to do this every day.

My business wasn’t as busy then.

i had more time to spare.

Looking to take back more spare time.


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Surprised to learn vitamin D was low

Walgreens receipt
Love the mundane beauty of a simple, ordinary receipt and moment in time (yesterday). Purchased a bottle of Vitamin B12 and one of vitamin D3.


Rode bike to Dr. Patel’s office to review bloodwork and CT scan results.

Overall, great results.

Vitamin D and B12 are low.

Dr. Patel recommended D3 2000 IU and B12 1000mg.


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The key to motivation is belief

102 year old sprinter
Second from right, 102-year-old sprinter.


The key to motivation is belief.

Don’t believe it?

Look in your “past-history” mirror.

Your greatest, most meaningful accomplishments, how critical was your motivation?

How critical was your desire to achieve your goal?

Where there not numerous small, medium, and large obstacles?

What led you to overcome them all?

i rest my case your Honor.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.


What if you tried to live according to what’s possible

Highway Patrol speed trap near Disney
In movies, this is called the establishing shot. Is it a trap? Or are they helping a distressed driver or wild animal?  As i got closer it was obvious…


Highway Patrol speed trap near Disney
In movies, this is called the closeup. We can clearly see the details. No distress. No wildlife. Highway Patrol speed trap near Disney.


florida vulture roadkill on sidewalk
Establishing shot as i biked home from the gym yesterday. Florida vultures on sidewalk. Highway is far from sidewalk. What could this mean?


florida vulture roadkill on sidewalk
A dead Armadillo. And a meal for two lucky (and hungry) vultures.


Open meadow near Walt Disney World.
Open meadow near Walt Disney World.


florida wildflower
Open meadow near Walt Disney World. All of today’s photos were taken on the 20k bike ride home from the gym. These final two pictures less than a mile from home. The top right flower looks like a lamb with big ears. Didn’t notice until this morning.


What if you tried to live according to what’s possible for your future instead of what’s been defined by your past.

Can you see yourself as vibrantly healthy?





At peace.

Rode a bicycle to my annual physical yesterday.

This was on top of the 40k bike trip to gym and back.

Gonna be 59 in exactly three months.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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Why, why, why?

Windermere Prep college admissions
Windermere Prep college admissions – WP High School has 500 students 9th-12th grades, of which 130 are International Boarding school students.


Windermere Prep college admissions
Windermere Prep college admissions. The key driver for attending WPS is acceptance into first choice college.


jeff noel specializes and excels at one thing:

Thinking differently.

He is on a mission to challenge (himself and) others to…

.think .differently


He focuses on and excels at helping others achieve what feels impossible:


To dramatically increase their number of great days at work.


Quick example here, at the “physical body” blog:

Is your health worth defending?

Can you answer the question, “Why am i doing all this hard work to eat right, exercise regularly, and sleep well?”

Your number of great days sky-rockets when you are vibrantly healthy.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.