Three ways determination will pay off

Photo of lane 8 at University track
Lane 8 is about the paradox of the worst lane and a lifetime of fitness


This is the blessing of persistence. When we are determined, we will find a way. Sometimes through research, sometimes by process of elimination or experimentation, and sometimes by luck. No matter how our discoveries and breakthroughs come the source doesn’t matter – the finding does.

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Zero theory – nothing but execution on what most only talk or dream

Cobb salad from room service at The Breakers
Not a big salad eater, but room service late night (8pm) dinner at The Breakers (3 nights ago) seemed reasonable


When morning exercise plans fall apart (and this should be a rare exception), it’s helpful to have a tried and true plan b.

Made it to the gym for a great core and strength workout. Who cares, right?

What makes this blog different (imho) is there is absolutely zero theory – nothing but execution on what most only talk or dream about.

Some pull-ups, push-ups, some hamstring, quadriceps, and glut exercises, and fairly serious front and back core exercises.

Heart rate in the 120-160 zone for 65 minutes.

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The never ending battle with things that make us want to quit exercising

Florida ant hill next to residential road
Trying not to make mountains out of molehills (or ant hills)


Exercise may take an unplanned backseat today. Being down a parent, early morning cable service call, and an early morning school rehearsal have all come together to a head.

The cable appointment is the ringer.

These are the things that never go away. And the things we must fight a never ending battle with – to avoid quitting.

And so it goes.

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