This keeps some of us going each day we feel like quitting

Radisson Edmonton web site
Frequent travel and cold weather are two of the easiest & biggest excuses


No one builds a reputation on what they are gonna do.

Imagine two people talking about us and one says to the other:

“So-and-so really takes care of their health”.

And the other person says:

“Pfffftttt, seriously? You’re kidding right?”

No one builds a legacy on what they are gonna do either.

This prompts a simple question:

Are we an example or a warning?

If not now, when?

This keeps some of us going each day we feel like quitting.

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What is required of us in order to stay at it for our entire lifetime?

Runners and walkers on Rice University campus trail
Walk, run, skip, doesn’t matter – just move.


What is required of us in order to stay at it for our entire lifetime?

Maybe the real goal of staying active actually lies dormant under all the stereotypically superficial stuff.

Maybe the impossible goal is to show others (as the example) that it can be done.

A lifetime of wellness, led with regular exercise, sensible eating, and adequate rest.

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We must beg, borrow, even steal sometimes in order to get…

Delta first class seats hidden faces
The bottoms of the Delta first class cabin seats seem astonished at the news…and seem to be gasping, “oh no!”


We must beg, borrow, even steal sometimes in order to get the time to be active.


Even those that make it look easy must do this.


Because it is never easy.

It costs time.

Whether you are motivated or not, there is a price to pay.


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We. Can. Not. Fail.

Mid Life Celebration book in Calgary on Amazon page
Balance, of which physical health is only 1/5 of the equation


As we travel through life, a few events will be added on top of our already challenging schedule.

We’re talking about really big, unanticipated things.

The straw that breaks the camel’s back so to speak.

What is difficult to see, and critical to remember, is they are temporary.

But we forget that initially and are extraordinarily tempted to quit:

  • being active
  • eating well
  • resting adequately

We. Can. Not. Fail.

And there’s only one person leading that charge.

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