Speaking Of Plantar Fasciitis

Stretches To Alleviate Heel Pain
Stretches To Alleviate Heel Pain

Ok, so world-famous author, Nicholas Sparks, was an 800 meter runner at University of Notre Dame. For those of you who know, his 1:49.00 split is a very respectable time.

Then he developed plantar fasciitis, a painful and chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia tendon that runs from our heel to our toes.

This ended his running ambitions. Good thing he knew how to write. Well, not at first. But look at him today.

And that’s today’s lesson at Lane 8.

We are never very good at something when we first try.  Whether it’s running or writing, both take years and tons of practice to gradually build confidence and results. Same for everything in life too.

But you already knew that, didn’t you?  Then what are you complaining about?  Keep going. Shut up. And never quit.

Guest Blogger Nicholas Sparks?

Who Knew?
Who Knew?

Nicholas Sparks is today’s Guest Blogger?  Well, sort of – via video clip.

Nicholas Sparks was a track star at Notre Dame.

Who knew?

And it was plantar fasciitis that ended one career and promoted another. Sounds a bit familiar, only different.

Nicholas Sparks wrote his first novel at 19.  Around the same time, (1985),  he and three other half-milers set the Notre Dame two-mile relay school record (7:20.11), which still stands today.

How do I know this?  Facebook led me to this video interview with Nicholas Sparks and he’s standing next to the Notre Dame track & Field record book.

Wonder if he still runs?

USATF Masters Indoor Nationals

USATF Email Yesterday
USATF Email Yesterday

How are your exercise goals progressing so far this year?

And what do you do to stay motivated, in spite of all the easy reasons to quit?

After many years of running on my own, with no companions, and no competitions, I discovered the unusually satisfying effect of age-group competition.

First in 5k races, and a few 10k races.  But my body frame isn’t really built for distance – whatever that means.

And then there’s the fact that life can be bittersweet, can’t it?

So yesterday, in the rain, I have a great five-mile run, with virtually no foot pain.  Foot pain is what kept me away from the Master’s World Indoor Championships two weeks ago in British Columbia and what is keeping me away from this month’s Indoor National Championships in Boston.

Life goes on. Some opportunities go past us, and others will find us when we least expect them.

But only if we never give up.

Sometime soon, I’ll decide on if there’s another shot at competing this outdoor season.

PS. There are two posts at Lane 8 today. Scroll down for “health habits revealed”.

Health Habits Begin Here

Look, I really don’t want to preach and tell people what they should do, but really, do you need anybody to tell you you should take care of your body?

Alright, here’s another attempt to sell you on the whole healthy habits thing. This video is short and what you need to do is at the end of it. I’d watch the whole minute 24 seconds if I were you.