Only Five More Days Until Christmas, A Challenging Time To Keep Health Goals On Track

This is not a trick, or obscure question

Holidays are a joyous occasion, designed to help busy humans pause and reflect on life’s big, important meanings. Holidays are also unbearably stressful for many midlifers. The food, the drink? Abundant. The exercise and moderation?

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All Business Trips Have Multiple Objectives. Here Are jeff noel’s Top Three At The Senior Games

We wondered if school children saw the same unique beauty we saw.
We (mostly just jeff noel) wondered what motivated these senior athletes to never stop moving.

MidLife Celebration’s business trip to St George, Utah for the Huntsman World Senior Games had three primary objectives:

  1. To validate discern what motivates seniors to stay active
  2. To showcase jeff noel’s efforts to get & stay healthy as an over-5o adult
  3. To network with the senior health and wellness industry

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Huge Subliminal Message In jeff noel’s Lane Eight Blog Post Yesterday, Did You Catch It?

Both taking self-portraits simultaneously. Unstaged.
Yes, we stopped to admire the sign and the bullet holes. Never saw any cattle.

At 52, jeff noel was one of the freshman at the 25th annual Huntsman World Senior Games. Aging athletes must be at least 50 years old or they are not eligible. So noel’s son, at 11, was by far the youngest person there. Having fun happened over and over and…..elders really do set the example. For everything. Even if it’s the example of what not to do.

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