the key isn’t exercise (say walking), the key is consistency
Please don’t let sissy slow embarrass you. Deep down, I know exactly how that feels. To heck with it. Your life is literally on the line. Nothing is more important than that…certainly not a bit of embarrassment – most of which isn’t real, it’s your perception only.
take the stairs is a popular never produces long term results (know why?)
This is one of the most basic rules of engagement when a person begins an exercise pledge and routine. Go slow. Really slow. Sissy slow. You’ve got nothing to prove to anyone else.
Happy Saturday. Taking a minute to visit redundancy-land. I write five daily, different blogs because life has five big choices – my recipe for work life balance.
So after reading this blog (our body), the two words below are your fast pass to read about our spiritual responsibility.
Heading home to Disney World this morning. Up at 4am with an hour before the cab arrives to get me to a 6:19am flight to Memphis. Know what this means? No run, no exercise. There was none yesterday either. Professional speakers are usually the first in the classroom and the last to leave.
But we have to figure it out. If we don’t, we’ll quit. So I ran two days ago in the morning before flying from Orlando to Missouri, making yesterday and today “rest days”. Perfect, creative plan to keep moving forward. Got it?
Knowing and working with (and around) our personal habits is an overlooked exercise and wellness tip. Exploit our good habits, say focus and discipline. Mitigate our undesirable habits, say not planning ahead.
Knowing it was literally impossible, because of my travel and teaching schedule, to run for two straight days, I knew there was an opportunity yesterday morning….