And so it goes, physically

10-second video: Heading to where it all began 50 years ago.

Life is a constant dance with opposites.


It has been over 24 hours since yesterday’s one-week post op exam.

Spent the entire time (99%) inside.

No moving tree-watering hoses. No weed pulling. No nuthin’.

Doctor’s orders.

Note: It’s an uncomfortable way to spend 24 hours.

As they say about sacrifice, “i’m taking one for the team”.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

May i ask you?

Medical doctor appointment reminder card
Dr Kumar won’t be in the office next Friday (a week from today). Thursday is always his dedicated surgery day. Wednesday (five days from now) is the next best option. i do not want to wait more than a week for a progress update.

May i ask you if the breakthroughs in eye surgery where made by people playing it safe?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Post Operation followup, body

Persons feet propped up, sitting on a patio chair.
Enjoying the victory over an irrational fear.
15-second video: Just some context to the video location.

Dr Kumar does surgeries on Thursdays.

After Monday’s loss of sight and a walk-in visit to my local Eye Doctor, it was fate that led directly to Dr Kumar late Monday afternoon.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Eye surgery day, body

Eye surgery is scary.


Asleep and naked.

Nothing to hide.

Like most days (year-round actually), i wore only running shorts and running shoes.

Note: The last three sentences were written last night as a kickstarter for this blog. It turned out differently…

Arrived in jean shirts, wearing running shorts underneath, two t-shirts and a jacket.

Escorted back to the prep area and didn’t need to remove any clothing. The room was warmer than the freezing waiting room, so i ditched the jacket.

A delightful first.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Age means nothing and exercise gets unfairly criticized

Hugh Macleod cartoon subscription form
Motivation IS Oxygen – without purpose we are doomed


The 70-something woman who has never exercised commented last night that she has much more energy after her physical therapy sessions.

Afterwards she has the energy to do four or five errands – something previously unheard of.

For five weeks she’s been going to therapy to strengthen her legs because in five days she is having knee replacement surgery.

The stereotype is that exercise makes us tired.

Guess again.

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