Trying to play it cool

9-second video: Trying to stay cool, calm, and collected.

Life gives random tests we all want to pass, but never want to take. Build your foundation to pass these tests when they come. Bank on them coming when you aren’t ready.


Nearly four months ago, i easily recall how in 30 seconds i surrendered to a possible reality of permanently losing sight in one eye.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Your day is clear?

Apple Watch
November 10, 2023. The day Dr. Kumar saw something “worrisome”.

Your day is clear.

Apple Watch (today)

My day is clear but my vision is not.

Left eye is 20/400 today.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Another scary start?

Doctor exam room
Real life in real time. Walked to dermatologist. Waiting in exam room for this year’s third checkup.

Over-focusing on vibrancy allows you to be the last to feel negative events and the first to recover.


Gonna start “exercising” like a beginner tomorrow.

Atrophy doesn’t take long.

Blessed to have been in a physically vibrant state since 1999.

Now, 24 years later, it’s time to start over. Stopped working out (doctor’s orders) 11 weeks ago. That’s 77 days. Nothing.

i swore years ago that 10 days was my max. And that after 14 days, my body required a start over approach.

So yeah, 77 days.

Do the math.

i swore in 1999 that this was the last time i’d ever say, “i need to start working out.”

Never suspected a torn retina (simply from aging) could bring me to my metaphorical knees.

Yet here we are.

Note: Still have 60 days without incident before Dr. Kumar will feel like second surgery is a success.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Post Op Day 28, body

Retina photograph
October 13, 2023. Sara filling in for John today. Her photo shows retina is attached.

Eliminating regret can be as small as asking for something you think could be nothing. But if it ‘was’ something and you could have caught it early but didn’t…


i’m pro-level dialed into my health.

i over-focus on the same things i used to under-focus on or ignore.

Google said the floaters are not troublesome at this stage in the recovery.

i have a recent and current history with eye surgeries…

Experienced my eyesight return so well three weeks after the first surgery. Told Cheryl, “My sight without glasses seems better than with glasses, on the repaired left eye.

The surgery recovery unexpectedly turned into classic “once bitten twice shy”. Here’s how…

At the beginning of the forth week post-op eye surgery number one, the retina ruptured while i laid in bed watching Yellowstone.

No warning signs. None. Zero.

But immediate action the next day, a Tuesday (September 12), led to emergency eye surgery number two on Thursday (September 14) . This is the surgery i’m now four weeks post op recovering from.

Today is Friday the 13th. October.

Better safe than sorry is worthless as a theory without application.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.