Rest is pro-level

Apple iPhone alarm app screenshot
Got eight hours of sleep last night, but had to sleep-in two hours past my normal routine in order to get those eight. Knowing today is a rest day, there was no need to be out before sunrise, walking.

Just had a crazy thought. Imagine that.

If you want to be pro-level at something, wouldn’t the first and obvious path be personal vibrancy?




Simplicity is operational genius.

Since you’re in charge, make your life ridiculously simple.

And then be brilliant at the basics (move, rest, fuel).

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Ain’t too proud to beg?

Polebridge montata sign
GNP. Polebridge, Montana is remote. Very.

Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact.

Bertrand Russell

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Sounds inflated

Heaven's Peak in Glacier
GNP. Heaven’s Peak through the Westside tunnel.

Four out of five people are more in need of rest and then exercise.

Dr. Logan Clendening

i don’t know another soul who over-focuses on their sleep patterns. Not saying people don’t, just no one i know. You and mom could be the first.


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Rest is more than sleep

Pink wild flower
Flowers during a Finland trip. Same flowers you see in Glacier National Park.

Rest is more than sleep.

Rest is also an intentional abstinence from physical activity.

Many creative ways to administer this.

One of the easiest is to pick two consecutive days (out of seven in a week) to take a break from cardio, strength, core, and stretching

Today is Monday.

An early morning bike ride is on tap.

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Unexpected joy from early bedtime

Glacier National Park
Glacier National Park – just a glance behind me while ascending a mountainside.

Unexpected joy from early bedtime.

Being able to have a routine bedtime means you have a routine awakening.

Having this routine focuses you on a set total nightly hours of sleep.

This is incredibly boring.

This is insanely empowering.

You cannot stop joy when you are refreshed.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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