Positive splits will kill your finish

get some motivation, and pass some on

Remember the 5:46 mile from a few days ago. Well, for the first time in years, I ran a positive split. The first half 800 was faster than the second 800. Splits of 2:50/2:56.

Here’s the thing, had I run a 2:56 first 800, a 2:49 was doable for the second 800. Running a full six seconds slower at the beginning would have netted a time one second faster.

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PS. Analyzing the situation, my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Was excited (too excited in this case) to go out fast. About 90 seconds in I realized the split was not going to be negative. What happens then is how long can you hold the pace without crashing and burning. Fun stuff. You’re having fun too, right?

Negative splits

stay with me, this will make sense...

If you are looking for creative ways to play games with yourself, in any form or function, to stay motivated with exercise, one of my favorites is running negative splits. Say you run one mile. The second 800 split will be faster than the first 800 time. This is very difficult to do when your pace is fast, but sissy-easy to do when you stroll for the first half.

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No, I didn’t run today…

clock..upper right...6:50am...Maryville, TN

Since there was time and energy (barely) to run two nights ago, I thought I’d run again last night. But since I arrived at the venue before 7am, and was on my feet teaching all day, an early dinner, and an early bedtime trumped everything else. And so it goes…

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Completely, Utterly Coincidental

Picking the obvious one should be easy.

A story huh? Well, my five blogs get written after I wake up but before heading out for a run and work. So there’s not much time – it’s completely, utterly, in the moment, with few exceptions.

After taking a quick glance at what I wrote yesterday, I wondered what the story was three years ago today. Talk about coincidence – it’s a decent story if I do say so myself.

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Yeah, You Heard Me Correctly Yesterday

I check my weight everyday (except when I travel, because I have no scale).

So yeah my feet – practically a runner’s best friend – are feeling better than they have in a decade. What does this mean? It means patience is a virtue.

Please tell me (more importantly, tell yourself) you are still moving forward with your wellness and health commitment. Expect a story to emerge as the days go by. And if you want to share yours, have at it (no expectations, just an honest invite).

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