Ain’t too proud to beg?

Polebridge montata sign
GNP. Polebridge, Montana is remote. Very.

Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact.

Bertrand Russell

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Sounds inflated

Heaven's Peak in Glacier
GNP. Heaven’s Peak through the Westside tunnel.

Four out of five people are more in need of rest and then exercise.

Dr. Logan Clendening

i don’t know another soul who over-focuses on their sleep patterns. Not saying people don’t, just no one i know. You and mom could be the first.


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Rain check please

Grinnell Glacier hike 2019
Grinnell Glacier hike 2019.

Rain check please.

Yesterday’s 30-mile Disney bicycle ride was cancelled.

We (Orlando) needed an all-day rain.

More rain this afternoon.

The early bird gets the worm.

Sunrise is 6:50 AM.

Hoping to be in the saddle by then.

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Rest is more than sleep

Pink wild flower
Flowers during a Finland trip. Same flowers you see in Glacier National Park.

Rest is more than sleep.

Rest is also an intentional abstinence from physical activity.

Many creative ways to administer this.

One of the easiest is to pick two consecutive days (out of seven in a week) to take a break from cardio, strength, core, and stretching

Today is Monday.

An early morning bike ride is on tap.

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Rest story

Note to self when an idea struck yesterday. After a couple years at Disney Institute (was there 1999-2014), i realized i never again wanted to pursue a promotion.

We know rest is critical for our physical health.

The same concept is easily, and appropriately, transferred to work.

Covid-19 is causing many to be furloughed.

Unemployed – my former colleagues at Disney – are reaping the benefit of maintaining their healthcare benefits for a year.

The downtime, absent of healthcare coverage worries, will be an incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink their trajectory and their career ambitions.

Magic happened when, convinced i had found the perfect level of work, there was no longer a desire to climb the proverbial ladder.

The catalyst?

Noticing that none, in my opinion, of the leaders in any level above me had remarkable joy in their life.

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