The paradox of owning a body is that we don’t appreciate what we have until time reminds us what we’ve lost.
Never want to stop running.
Figure it out.
And get good at it.
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
The paradox of owning a body is that we don’t appreciate what we have until time reminds us what we’ve lost.
Never want to stop running.
Figure it out.
And get good at it.
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The illiterate of the world are not only those that can not read, but also those who are able bodied, yet do not exercise the privilege to exercise.
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Be so healthy and vibrant people will think its genetic.
Only you’ll know it’s not.
And you will have a peace and contentment that only comes from compound interest.
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What if someone wrote a book review – ‘common sense on steroids’ – would you buy it?
Steroids are negative, and used illegally to enhance performance.
Steroids are positive, quickly treating conditions that no other medical option can address, say a sudden digestive tract inflammation associated with Inflammatory Bowel disease.
We see what we want to see, no?
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The value of doing nothing when it comes to our health?
There is none.
No one gets healthier or, if they are already healthy, stays healthy, by doing nothing.
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