She asked these two questions about his running

Disney Keynote Management Speaker


Disney Keynote Management Speaker


She asked these two questions about his running:

Did you always enjoy running or is it an acquired taste?

Watch when young kids are together. They do not walk anywhere. They run. And they smile and laugh while doing it. They cannot hide their joy.

Been running for the past 15 years straight. Ran track for five years in public school. Went 20+ years without running at all.

To answer the question, everything in life requires a balance of pros and cons. Some days running is joyous. Some days there is zero motivation. Before yesterday morning’s run, the longest run of my life, the motivation to run was very low.

You would have never guessed, right?

Guess again.

His advice? Don’t let someone else’s success and longevity become your excuse(s) because you think there’s something magical that you’re missing or cannot acquire.

The magic is finding a million ways to slay the bull crap lies we tell ourselves.

Good luck today.

You’re in charge.

Live like you mean it.

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Many workplaces place safety above all other company values?

Mark Twin quote about honesty


(photo: random Facebook update screenshot… no one at work tells lies about safety, right?)

How many workplaces place safety above all other company values?

All of them, right?


The most insidious exception is personal safety with our health.

Most of us are seriously unhealthy.

Last time we thought about it, what stops us from getting healthier if we truly understand that poor health habits are unsafe?

Classic, “If no one is looking”, or “If everyone else is doing it”, we won’t get in trouble.

Switch to the Spirit Blog

Happy New Lies?

New Years Resolutions
Photo lifted from a New Year’s Day FB update…


Happy New Lies?

What if the resolution in the photo said:

Be healthy in 2014?

How many lies will we tell ourselves over the course of our lives?

When will we say enough is enough. No more lying, only doing.

Fall down seven, get up eight.


Never, right?

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If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right

False statement about work life balance
If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right.


If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right.

And anyone claiming balance is a lie, a myth, well, they have chosen (in my mind falsely) the path of least resistance.

Balance is not easy to achieve, nor easy to maintain.

Living without balance is easy to achieve. Even easier to maintain. But staggeringly strenuous to live with.

Wake up America! How does that sound like an acceptable lifestyle, one we pass on to future generations?

So since it is strenuous either way, I choose the way that yields much more balance, more often. Otherwise it reduces us to living in a world where we have convinced ourselves balance does not exist.

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