Calling an audible. This blog is about our physical health, but i’m using this space today to continue a business story from yesterday.
Will i have the guts to use this example?
That’s what i asked yesterday. Yes, i was prepared to use it. But no, i didn’t.
Here’s why.
There wasn’t enough time.
Because something unpredictable happened, and since the client and i were clear on the vision (end goal), i flexed to take maximum advantage of the unplanned opportunity.
We stumbled upon something that really resonated with the client and it happened 75% of the way through our agenda. It was glorious. Not only because we discovered it, but because we agreed to sacrifice the remaining planned agenda to take advantage of the amazing, unplanned opportunity.
Note: i did not intentionally take the Apple Watch photo above. Somehow, it happened though, right as we had solidified unity on a tangible group goal – a clear, concise, and compelling roadmap for leadership alignment.
This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.