We’re all owners

Florida Cows
During yesterday’s 10-miler.
Florida Cows
Reaching for greener grass through barbed wire fence.

We’re all owners.

Like the cow above, sticking it’s neck out through the barbed wire fence, are we hungry for our own life?

Do we settle for status quo or is vibrancy our only acceptable standard?

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Do you consider your body a temple?

Orange County Convention Center
Orange County Convention Center along yesterday’s running route.


Do you consider your body a temple?


Silently ask yourself:

  1. My body is a temple housing everything keeping me alive.
  2. My body is an abandoned warehouse, housing long forgotten memories of my youth.

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Be the artist you know you deserve

Disney Monorail station timeclock


(photo: Even at 55 years old, we can thrive more vibrantly than people half our age.)

Could feel it before stepping on the scale. Two extra pounds gained in one day.

Seems insignificant. There is an art to optimizing the temple housing everything keeping us alive.

The art is in the daily tending.

Can you feel that difference as soon as you wake up?

What if you could?

Be the artist you know you deserve.

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