Blogging is similar to running is similar to life

Spring Grove, Pennsylvania town banners


(photo: Spring Grove has PH Glatfelter to thank for their prosperity)

Blogging is similar to running, and running is similar to life.

Some runs are long. Some short. Some focused on aerobic strength. Some on anaerobic conditioning.

Some posts are longer. Some shorter. Some directly to the point. Some have no definitive answer.

Balancing it all is key. Especially in life.

Be well.

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Totally understandable is totally wrong

View looking north from atop Shumont Mountain, near Asheville, NC


(photo: Had every intention of morning walks, but they never happened)

So tempting to take a day off. And then another. And if we’re really busy, a whole week off seems justifiable.

And the eighth day, if we remain really busy (and who doesn’t), seems easily justifiable too.


All too soon we are no longer exercising.

Totally understandable.

Totally unacceptable.


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Singing is neither cardio nor strength training

Old guys singing old songs


Old guys singing old songs


(photo: American Pie by Don McLean, sung above by three guys who are well behaved, model, middle-aged citizens… using an empty beer bottle as a microphone?)

Singing is neither cardio nor strength training. But when done by amateurs, it’s entertaining to the point of belly laughs, which is actually a mild form of core training.

Take what you can get.

Yet use this only as a short-term workout.

Get back to real cardio as soon as possible.

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