A vicious, glorious circle

Children's playground


(photo: We trade our playground in for a couch – for the rest of our lives)

If you can find meaning in the kind of effort it takes to never get bored with the personal health basics, you will find meaning in another absurd pastime… life.

Success in one enhances success in the other.

A vicious, glorious circle.

Thank goodness.

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Humbled by the physical aging process



(photo: No one here ever said they wished they hadn’t spent so much time fussing over exercise, diet and rest)

Humbled by the physical aging process.

There will come a day when we will regret not exercising, not eating well, and not managing our sleep cycle.

The illiterate of the world are those who know what should be done but look the other way.

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We get to pick from two pains in life

Logan Pass sign at GNP


(photo: It’s easier to walk around Glacier National Park with a relatively healthy and active body)

So it comes down to this doesn’t it?

We either live with the pain of carrying around an unhealthy temple.

Or we live with the pain it takes to maintain a healthy temple.

Either way there’s pain (including significant emotional pain), discomfort, sacrifice, effort.

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