The truth about sayings

Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c
Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c


The old saying of just put one foot in front of the other. You know the one. It became a saying and we’re all familiar with it for a reason. Because it’s true.

Translated: be active one day at a time, and shoot for four or five days each week where it’s for at least 30-60 minutes.

If we don’t do it now, we’ll surely have time for it in the nursing home. No?

There’s another saying: You can pay me now or you can pay me later. Yes?

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Live as if our couch, our entertainment center, and our snack supply are key?

painting of a gift wrapped box
Over a lifetime what’s the impact of the impact?


What drives our belief that our health is important enough to make regular activity, sensible eating, and adequate sleep a part of every day?

What drives us to say it doesn’t matter and live as if our couch, our entertainment center and our snack supply are as world-class as we can afford?

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