Quantity over quality is a decent way to stay motivated and find joy

Cosmopolitan on Las Vegas strip 2014
Began the run here, in 40-degree temps at dawn


Las Vegas strip 2014
There was a time when this could have been me (he’s carrying an almost empty bottle of whiskey)


Stratosphere on Las Vegas strip 2014
Three more hours before the top would be open for tours


Quantity over quality is a decent way to stay motivated and find joy.

It was quantity over quality in Las Vegas yesterday.

Out for 80 minutes.

Mixing it up.

Run some, stop, take a photo or two, run some more, stop again.

Take what you can get.

Find a million ways to stay motivated to keep moving.

Discovered after the fact that it was a six mile run.

Longest run in years.

Who knew?

Thinking of you today.

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The race through life often has no explainable finish line

empty Target shelves
These are the shelves for all the things we truly know about ourselves


Yesterday the 50-year old said he is going back to school.

Asked him why? And asked him how much time he spends in introspective thought. He said seconds, meaning almost zero.

We race through life.

If we don’t have time to think, we can guarantee we don’t have time to exercise.

One of the beauties of exercise is it also provides glorious thinking time.

We know this.

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To not work for the better outcome seems selfish on the part of comfort

Heavy traffic on I-4
Which road would we rather travel if given the option to pick?


Ever wonder what the difference is in the way we physically, emotionally, and mentally handle arduous stress and pressure when we are in decent physical condition versus not?

To not work for the better outcome seems selfish on the part of comfort.

We are striving for peace and contentment, not comfort. No?

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