The End Of Illness?

The warehouse storage room for daily common sense applications is almost empty.

Last night on ABC evening news David Agus, MD’s new book, The End Of Illness, was a featured segment. David is the person Lance Armstrong, Ted Kennedy and Steve Jobs trusted to help them extend their lives.

His premise is that good living is the cure for illness, not some yet to be discovered cure. Prevention through healthy living. This could be groundbreaking (*grin*).

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One Team Got Gold, The Other, Silver

It wasn't clear until the final minute who would win.
U17 Ponte Verde Team - 2012 Disney/ESPN Soccer Champs
Girls U17 Soccer Gold Medal
U17 Girls Soccer Trophy, January 3, 2012

You know the drill, there is only one team that wins the championship. Only one team that carries the trophy. There’s no shame in second, but there’s also very little glory.

And it was interesting to know that every girl except the goalie was on the team I watched last year. Couldn’t believe it. The teamwork, skill and sheer hustle was transformational. I told Katie (16) this and she understood. I also congratulated her on kicking the winning goal.

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They Are Headed To Today’s Championship Soccer Game At Disney

The Girls U17 Soccer Championship title is up for grabs today.

Why can’t we do it all? We can dream of doing everything, but there’s this menacing rival called reality. Yesterday I wanted to go with my Family to our relative’s U17 soccer game. It wasn’t at Disney, so I stayed home and worked.

After the girls’ game, they went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park. I missed that too. Can’t do it all. But I was amazingly productive.

Today (January 3, 2012) I’m headed to Disney World to watch Katie and her teammates play in the U17 Soccer Championship.

PS. I’ll get back to short and pithy. This writing 90 days ahead experiment is just that, an experiment. You’re still experimenting to get better too, right?

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Happy New Year To Those Youthful Souls Who Know No Age Limit

In the upper right corner, the date: 12/31/11 (last night)
Cheryl and Chapin bundled up on New Year's Eve 2011 watching Katie's soccer game.

Yeah, it’s April Fool’s Day on the calendar, but it’s New Year’s Day as I write this post. Click here for details. (hint: I’m conducting a blogging, and life, experiment).

Last night (New Year’s Eve 2011), we attended Cheryl’s cousin’s daughter’s 16U soccer game at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex. They drove down from Jacksonville earlier and are staying a few days with us during the tournament.

I can’t help but wonder how far those young women have come in 90 days, now that it’s April Fool’s Day 2012.

And couldn’t help but wonder how far any of us have come since New Year’s Day.

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jeff noel Writes To Himself, For Himself (And No One Knew, Nor Cared)

Walt Disney's Carousel Of Progress
Keep Moving Forward - Walt Disney

No doubt many visitors have come and gone, finding jeff noel’s five main Mid Life Celebration blogs too offensive, too painful, too pushy, too true, too egotistical, too whatever blah, blah, blah.

And no doubt, a disproportionately small group of midlife Baby Boomers have found noel’s five daily blogs refreshingly inspirational. Life is hard. Life is good. Can’t have one without the other. Go.

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