Huge Subliminal Message In jeff noel’s Lane Eight Blog Post Yesterday, Did You Catch It?

Both taking self-portraits simultaneously. Unstaged.
Yes, we stopped to admire the sign and the bullet holes. Never saw any cattle.

At 52, jeff noel was one of the freshman at the 25th annual Huntsman World Senior Games. Aging athletes must be at least 50 years old or they are not eligible. So noel’s son, at 11, was by far the youngest person there. Having fun happened over and over and…..elders really do set the example. For everything. Even if it’s the example of what not to do.

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Health & Wellness Habits Are Passed From Parent To Child – They Generally Follow Our Example

Can you see where this is going? Our similarities are different.
Look closely at the reflection...

Children pay little attention to what we say, they just watch what we do, and generally follow our example. From a health and wellness standpoint, jeff noel takes solace in this. From a slowing down and enjoying life perspective, well, noel has work to do.

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An Important Part Of Midlife Wellness Is Rest And Rejuvenation

We had an unexpected free day, away from the Senior Games
Huntsman World Senior Games, Utah 2011

Due to the massive volume of athletes (10,000) over 10 days, advanced competition schedules were not available for Track & Field. October 3 became an unexpected free day. Zion National Park was an hour away. It was a no brainer.

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Stay Healthy, Have Fun And Keep Moving Forward

Stay healthy, have fun. Brought an assistant (11) along on his 1st business trip.
One of my assistant's duties was to digitally capture the Senior Games story.
He did an excellent job on his first day.

Boomers, staying healthy is key to enjoying age group competition. But physical health isn’t the only thing Mid Life Celebration focuses on. Like many Boomers nearing retirement age, jeff noel operates a Health and Wellness business as a speaker and writer. Attending the Huntsman Senior Games was his son’s first business trip. When you stay with something long enough, opportunities you never dreamed of are placed in your path.

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