Intentions don’t pay

power of intention

Many things look good on paper, or even on paper back books…

Intentions don’t pay. Never have. Never will. Had intentions before going to bed two nights ago, as well as yesterday morning to run or go to the gym. Neither happened. Blamed no running on the rainy weather. No gym got blamed on no time to travel there and back.

Insight: Never let decent excuses become a habit.

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Heading to Gold’s Gym in the middle of Tropical storm Isaac

Hurricane Isaac

An hour ago at 5am (see lower left photo corner)…

Heading to Gold’s Gym in the middle of Tropical storm Isaac. Do I feel like it? Could I spend time doing other things? Will it interfere with getting to work?

Going any way. Because none of those questions will impact the quality of my day. Even with the workout, I’ll be early for work. And the benefits to having a workout to start the day? Priceless.

Insight: Semper Gumby (always flexible)…

(Update) The day didn’t work out the way it was planned.

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Mid Life Celebration weekly update 4

It began in 2008 as a 40-something Dad’s attempt to simply life’s key themes in order to teach a young boy some responsibility. It’s morphed into a common-sense guide for work life balance, for every adult, everywhere.

mind – body – spirit – money – hq

Many say balance is mind, body, and spirit. Others say it’s work and home. No one else I’ve seen claims it’s all five, except Mid Life Celebration.

Please scroll down to read this week’s posts. Reminder, every post (except weekly updates) ends with a simple ‘Next Blog‘ hyperlink for quick, easy navigation between all five daily posts.