The one motivational secret you never hear people talking about

motivational tactics
competition is simply a motivational tactic, not an end goal


The one motivational secret you never hear people talking about?

The ebb and flow of motivation. It is part of the journey.

When in the dip, don’t quit.

When on top, don’t get hurt.

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Itching to get back on top. It’s been six years. Finished next to last at Nationals. Loved it!

In youth we actually thought this would never happen to us

aging well
at 70+ she is more active than most 30, 40, and 50-somethings


In youth we actually thought this would never happen to us:

We’d get old and our hair would turn gray.

This has massive ramifications with our current thinking that we will never be confined to a chair because we are too frail to walk.

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Are you willing to try new positions?

Sure, a question like this can instantly head south, but let’s keep it clean. Only since civilized society kicked in in the last 5,000 years, has the toilet evolved.

Cancer is a household word. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD – Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis) is not.

There are rare occasions when conventional wisdom is challenged so logically and powerfully. This is one of those times:

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