With five solid topics to pick from for the next book…

Someone had to write about obligations and railroads
Someone had to write about obligations and railroads


Do we really know what turns us on? What motivates us?

Do we have a project that compels us to keep moving forward?

Can’t imagine not having answers to those three questions.

With five solid topics to pick from for the next book, the leading contender at this time is ‘body – our physical responsibility’.

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His nose did not grow so maybe he was honest

iPhone 5S brown case
Real life in real time (today’s post and the post in this photo)


Our air conditioner stopped working and upstairs was sweltering. Grabbed a tank top heading out the door (also sweltering) to pick up our Son at school.

He asked if we could go to a store near the Mall (same Mall with an Apple Store). We spontaneously ate dinner at the Mall food court and I suggested we pop into the Apple Store.

Totally unplanned, bought a new iPhone case.

The Apple Store employee said to the 54-year old, “I wanna look that good when I’m your age”.


Approaching 15 years of focused and disciplined effort.

When you hear the long way is the short cut, it ain’t a theory.

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Neither the preacher, nor the small audience offered up the obvious

jeff noel running near Walt Disney World
The ripple effects from exercise are astonishingly deep and wide


Yesterday, listened to an evangelist preach practical tips for how to become much better at doing a certain thing that everyone else in the industry. Neither the preacher, nor the small audience of 30 very bright and experienced people recommended exercise.


Wow, that’s funny.

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Why didn’t I speak up? By intentionally remaining quiet, the opportunity was provided for someone else to showcase their wisdom (which most people of this caliber really enjoy doing).


The aging public’s general ignorance towards running is stunning

exercise insight
Note from yesterday’s training class (workforce training)


The aging public’s general ignorance towards running is stunning.

We often hear non-runners talking about how smart they are for not running, citing how it saves them from typical runner’s injuries.

In harmony with doing anything is learning how to do the thing well. The people who get exercising-ending injuries are not.

The folks not exercising at all, even less.

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