For most of our life there’s a third overwhelmingly popular choice

Life's Big Choices website header
Life’s Big Choices? There are five.


Find a way or make a way.

For most of our life there’s a third overwhelmingly popular choice.

Opt to not make a choice.

While the focus here is exercise, it applies to all five of life’s big choices.

For example, when was the last time you exercised? How would vibrant health impact your attitude, spirit, energy at work, energy at home?

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Three ways to read this sign?

outlet store window sign
Could also read: Thrive you life or survive your life. No?


(photo: Orlando store window… the caption is critical to this post making sense)

The really cool thing about our struggles is that it levels the playing field.

We all have them. Tons of them.

Becoming fanatical about balance seems the only way to thrive.

Well, settling for a life of ‘survival’ is another commonly chosen option.

This is the decision the physician presented in 1999… diet and exercise.

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Temptation lurks everywhere

iPhone stopwatch mile time
Can a 55-year old run one mile in 5:11?


Ever feel like you’ve finally overcome the last of a long list of set backs only to get the subtle feeling a new, unexpected set back is brewing?

Achilles tendon has been sore for three weeks.

Just as the intensity was amping up for comeback 2014.


What should do we do when temptation lurks everywhere?

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Dare to think unthinkable physical thoughts

jeff noel jogging at Walt Disney World
Who dat on da left?


The unthinkable physical thought is that we could ever abandon taking care of the temple that houses everything that keeps us alive.

It’s our job to think of ways to eliminate every excuse.

We are responsible for this. Period.

And yes, this is hard.

So what.

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