Handle these things and move forward

Unplanned Podiatrist visit made for late arrival to client (graphic artist) meeting – life is challenging, learn to recognize and control the controllables


Yesterday’s run lasted 400 meters. Stopped, walked back home.

Made it to the podiatrist when they opened at 8am.

A quick, simple removal of a tiny cyst and good to go again.

Something so tiny.

So crippling.

Had been icing the foot for over a week, thinking it was a bruise on the ball of the foot.

Live and learn. Recover as quickly as possible.

It will happen again.

Handle it and move forward.

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Posts like this one carry a hidden, embedded message – don’t quit

John Updike quote
Thrivers thrive because of their unrelenting creativity


Am leaning towards casually shooting for the 100-miles-in-a-month challenge.

Requires four weeks of five runs per week, five miles each run.

A creative carrot to get a base for the late sumer comeback.

Setbacks are merely opportunities to extend the comeback.

Have missed three track meets so far this year.

In January, those big meets seemed realistic – until the setbacks.

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How big is your hometown?

Flying Fish door knob


(photo: Lots of creativity in this place)

Out early enough to get a long run in and see some sights. Campus is beautiful just after sunrise.

Small town charm, big city amenities.

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