Are you still exercising like you promised yourself in January?

Finnair flight from Paris to Helsinki 2009

Are you still exercising like you promised yourself in January? Without knowing, I’m guessing no yes! Praying your answer is yes. There were two subtle, intriguing insights yesterday:

  1. using competition to stay motivated
  2. using milestones to stay motivated

Said it once, or maybe 100 times, what’s written here has purpose, even though it often seems like life’s insignificant details.

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When was the last time you timed yourself in a mile?

masters world championships
August 2009 traveling to Finland for Masters World Championships

A comeback began nearly three years ago – the day I returned from a big track meet. Simply being in Finland was in and of itself a major life accomplishment. Is it possible to get better with age? And four days ago, ran a mile in 5:46.

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Note: A big track meet = 2009 Masters Track & Field World Championships

How fast can you run, say, a mile?

work life balance
not that kind of balance, work life balance

How fast can you run, say, a mile? First, I’m betting no one here has a clue how fast they can run a mile. Second, I’m still thrilled you’re here though. Because this is a community of aging mid lifers (and some outliers…cool!), just trying to make sense of what wellness and work life balance means and how to get there and stay there…

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