It’s almost scary how well some can read their body

Anger from Disney Pixar Inside Out
Anger from Disney Pixar Inside Out.. don’t be angry at setbacks.


Am i an expert at my health?

i should be, right?

We all should be.

Being sick the past few days and being able to feel and recognize the daily improvement each morning is astonishing.

As fine tuned as being able to feel the difference two pounds gained or lost feels.

It’s impossible to believe in if you’ve never experienced it. But focus and discipline will get you there, if you want to go.

Disney taught me to over manage the things i used to under manage or ignore.

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Comebacks come with setbacks

Mickey Mouse tee-shirts at Downtown Disney
Downtown Disney yesterday.


Comebacks come with setbacks.

Being sick on Friday meant no run, no gym.

Thought a very easy three miler would be a good makeup day yesterday. Wasn’t feeling it.

This means only two running days last week.

Nature’s way of saying, “Take a break”.

And the Doctor’s way of saying take this Amoxicillin twice a day for the next ten days.

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Dear Son, if one can happen so can the other – bank on this

United Kingdom at Epcot sidewalk chalk art
We can make anything more beautiful with just a few special touches


Dear Son,

Until Winter’s International trips to sub-freezing temperatures, a sub six-minute mile was easy. Like a walk in the park. At will. On demand.

Today’s run will attempt to do it for the first time in several tries.

Setbacks happen.

Son, so do comebacks.

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Read this for solace in our struggles and successes, as they ebb and flow

Disney Soccer scoreboard
we win some, we lose some


Read this for solace in our struggles and successes, as they ebb and flow. It feels like win some lose some doesn’t it?

Dropped below 160 two days in a row. This morning back up to 161.5. Darn it!

And yet, four days ago, set a personal record for parallel bar plank at 40 seconds.

There was a time the plank couldn’t be held for one second.

There was a time when anything over 155.0 felt overweight.

We’re in this for our lifetime right? Setbacks are temporary.

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Set backs are part of the wellness challenge

The boy on the left walked most of the “lap” and the other children crossed the “finish line” minutes before him. I was sad for him. So I did what I could in the moment…(the caption)…

childhood obesity
I told the boy to never give up, to never quit trying, and wished him the best

Set backs are part of the wellness challenge. Whether they are temporary or permanent is up to us.

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