Leadership Excellence Is A Daily Habit That Requires What?

jeff noel Sees Lane Eight Everywhere

jeff noel, Midlife Celebration’s prolific blogger and chief photographer, sees things and thinks about things that move health and wellness forward. The Baby Boomer’s journey is not unlike that of any other adventurer. We must be prepared. Personal leadership excellence is a daily habit that requires a clear, concise and compelling vision.

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Midlife Is No Time To Quit, Midlife Is The Perfect Time To Be Bold And Daring

jeff noel and Social Media's Evolution

jeff noel’s LinkedIn profile no longer reads the way this older photo depicts. Why? Because life, midlife, is an experiment. Just like social media. New things, ground-breaking territory. Excitement. Engagement. Midlife is no time to quit, midlife is the perfect time to be bold and daring.

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Older Adults Can Take A Major Hint From Mother Nature: Stay Active And Eat Right

jeff noel's Hometown, Walt Disney World

In the Animal Kingdom, there are no wellness programs. Animals survive because each day they use common sense: stay active, eat to stay alive, and watch your back. Common sense is rarely common practice in the human world. I’m thankful for that.

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Midlife Celebration Will Celebrate The Final November Week With An Atypical Theme

jeffrey noel Has Used This Midlife Celebration Photo Before

jeffrey noel, Midlife Celebration’s founder, has been wanting to experiment with an atypical theme. noel takes copious photos from his worldwide travels. Many pictures never make it to The Blog Whisperer’s Blogs for different reasons. Starting tomorrow, expect the photos to come first and the commentary second.

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